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👋, My name is Rahman

I'm a Mern Full stack Developer

Living in Tamil Nadu, India.

Let's Start
Rahman, the handsome, dressed in a green hoodie with a smile

 Full-stack developer specializing in building scalable and performant web applications using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js).
 Rahman, the handsome, dressed in a green hoodie with a smile

I'm a Mern Full-stack Developer with some knowledge and DevOps skills.

I'm a Mern Full-stack Developer with knowledge and DevOps skills. I'm from Tamil Nadu. I Design and Automate the deploy of tier-applications,websites for amazing people around the world. I like work with new people. New people new Experiences.

  • 5+ Project Completed

  • 5+ Happy Clients

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  • Jennifer Lutheran
    Amazing work sir



  • Jennifer Lutheran
    hi sir big fan

    Monica belluci


  • Jennifer Lutheran
    Amazing Landing Pages

    Jennifer smith


  • Jennifer Lutheran
    Beautiful work

    sarah williams
